Women in Islam

This book, although written in few pages, is greatly rich with significant and meaningful information. It is very dear to my heart. I see it as a means for enlightenment to clear misconceptions and show the truth concerning one of the most critical issues of contemporary Muslim community; namely, the real status of Muslim women in Islam.

Many people from different western and foreign cultures misunderstand and even have critical confusions about women’s position in Islam.

Unfortunately, even some  Muslims in Arab and Muslim countries do have similar confusions and misconceptions. The reason of taking this endeavor  of writing that valuable book goes back  to  my participation in the meetings of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in New York years ago. To my surprise, some reports from Muslim governments faulty  mentioned shameful  brutal practices as Sharia-based practices. I then observed how negative matters are frequently attributed to women and their social position in Islam. I was astonished that these false matters appeared in official reports issued by Muslim States..

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